Cat Forest – Healing Camp
Age rating
Game Description
Cat Forest - Healing Camp is a simulation game. The game is developed by POOM GAMES. It was published for Android and iOS devices in September 2019.In this game you play as a cat. You are so tired of your mundane life. You want something different in life. You are thinking about doing something peaceful like farming. But you are reluctant to quit your job. One day you receive a letter from your grandmother. She says that your granddad has had a small accident at their campsite and hurt himself. Now it is getting harder for both of them to take care of their campsite. So, she wants you to take charge of the campsite and run it. That was the final push you needed. You quit your job and get to the campsite to start a new adventure.
In the beginning, you have to do all the work yourself. Start by collecting raw materials to make necessary things for your campsite. Cut large trees, bushes, small flower plants and rocks to gather wood, stones, hay and fruits. Use the materials to make basic tools and tents for your campsite.
Once you start building tents, guests will start to visit. Every morning they will pay you with Pine Cones. These Pine Cones come in handy when you need to advertise to hire new employees or to buy items for farming. Keep in mind to feed yourself and your employees regularly to stay fit and energized. This is much needed because you will lose energy every time you do a task. There is a rest button at the bottom of your screen. Every time you or any of your workers takes a rest, you will receive special rewards.
On the top corner is the quest book. Tap on it to check your quests and achievement lists. Every time you complete them, you will receive Pine Cones and points. Once these points add up to a certain amount, you will level up in the game. Leveling up will unlock more items that you can use to make your campsite better and more beautiful.
The game controls in Cat Forest Healing Camp are as follows: You and your workers' faces will be shown at the left bottom of the screen. Tap on the picture and then tap anywhere you want to move each character. For example, tap on your character and then on the trees to let your character cut the trees. Tap or swipe-over the raw materials to collect them. Tap, hold and drag to move the screen. Use 2 fingers and drag outwards to zoom-in and inwards to zoom-out.
Cat Forest - Healing Camp is a fun game with cute little cats. This game makes creating an amazing campsite and farming feel wonderful.
Questions & Answers
Is Cat Forest - Healing Camp game free?Cat Forest - Healing Camp game is free to play. This game include in-game items that you can buy with real money.
Can I play Cat Forest - Healing Camp offline?
Yes, you can play Cat Forest - Healing Camp even when you you are not connected to the internet.
What is the age rating for Cat Forest - Healing Camp?
It is rated PEGI 3. The content of the game is considered suitable for all age groups.
What devices is Cat Forest - Healing Camp compatible with?
You need a device with at least Android 4.4 or iOS 10.0
Do Cat Forest - Healing Camp contain ads?
Yes, ads are shown in this game.