Image Description

Tropic Trouble

Qublix Games

CategoryMatch 3
Age rating

Game Description

Tropic Trouble is a match 3 game. It is developed by Qublix Games. It was published for iOS devices in March 2018 and for Android devices in July 2018.

Tropical Trouble is a story of your family sailing from San Francisco to Hawaii. Unfortunately, your ship gets hit by a storm and wreaked. You land at an unknown tropical island. Without any direction and help, you guys are stuck in this beautiful island. So you plan to build your own home and change this island into your own tropical paradise.

Now it is time to build your own home, go fishing and produce your own food and collect other materials necessary to create an amazing environment.

In order to do so, you will have to play match 3 games. Each game comes with a mission and a given number of moves. You can also create special boosters by matching more than 3 tiles. To active a booster, you can either swipe it with another booster and create a mega blast or make a match 3 with its similar looking color tiles.

Every time you win a game, you will get the opportunity to open 1 of 3 chests presented for you. Each chests contain a raw material necessary to build a farm or a building. You have to keep on playing match 3 games and collect all the requested materials to complete the building process.

Each building will reward you with coins every few hours. You can use the coins to buy other items necessary to decorate your island.

The game controls in this game are as follows. Swipe a tile to any side to make a match 3. Drag a selected decorative item towards your desired spot and click on the "Tick" button to place it.

Tropical Trouble is a fun match 3 game. The aspect of collecting raw materials gives this match 3 game a new dimension.
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Questions & Answers

Do I need an account to play Tropic Trouble?

No, you don't need an account to play this game.

Can I play Tropic Trouble offline?

You can play this game offline.

What is the age rating for Tropic Trouble?

Tropic Trouble is rated PEGI 3. The content of the game is considered suitable for all age groups.

What devices is Tropic Trouble compatible with?

You can play it on devices with at least iOS version 10.0 and the version varies for Android devices.

Does Tropic Trouble contain ads?

Tropic Trouble does not display any ads.