Image Description

Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover

Strategy Gamez

CategoryMatch 3
Age rating

Game Description

Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover is a match 3 game. It is developed by Strategy Gamez. It was published for Android devices in March 2019 and for iOS devices in January 2020.

One winter night, while cozying up by the fireplace and reading a good book, you hear a bell. But, there was no one standing when you opened the door. That's when you hear a meow sound. You look down and see a tiny kitten shivering. You immediately pick it up and bring it inside. Then you learn that the kitty is very weak and in need of warmth, food, shelter and medicine.

So, you decide to adopt it and take good care of it. As you are also new to this house, you have to make arrangements for the kitty and set up its room. So, now you have 2 tasks at hand. Clean and set up you house along with setting up a safe place for the cute kitty.

To do all these tasks, you need paw medals. You will have to play a match 3 game to get 1 paw medal and some coins. You play match 3 games level by level. At each level you will have to collect certain items by playing match 3, within a given number of moves. You can make a match 3, by swapping 2 pieces. When you match more than 3 pieces, you can create special powers-ups. These power-up will remove more pieces from the field when activated.

The game controls are very simple in Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover. Swap 2 pieces to make a match. Swap or double tap to activate a power-up. When decorations the house, tap your favorite design and then tap on the "Tick" button to purchase.

Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover is a very colorful game with cute little characters.
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Questions & Answers

Do I need an account to play Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover?

This game can be played without an account.

Can I play Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover offline?

Yes, you can play it without an internet connection.

What is the age rating for Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover?

Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover is rated PEGI 3. The content of the game is considered suitable for all age groups.

What devices is Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover compatible with?

You can play it on devices with at least Android version 5.0 or iOS version 9.0

Does Kitten Match-Mansion & Pet Makeover contain ads?

Yes, it does contain ads.